


To move my beauty shoot on I want to do more shoots based around the carnival theme, this is to push my makeup ideas further and to create consistency in my portfolio. As I am exploring all aspects of carnival I want the makeup to be bold and exciting. As I have talked about previously I am linking all my shoots together using a few different elements those being; birds of paradise, the flower represents freedom which is linked in with the ideas based around carnivals being a free place where you can be whoever you want to be, to keep the styling similar I am using glitter as a main focus, it is bright, eye-catching and glistens in the light drawing the viewers attention which is what the big costumes aim to do in carnivals. I want my images to represent the beautiful side of carnivals with all the outlandish costumes and big makeup. The image above is just a quick sketch of some makeup ideas I have in my mind before going on to shoot.

My inspiration

Whenever I am planning a shoot I have to say that the first place that I tend to look for ideas and inspiration is Pinterest. This is mainly because there is literally anything and everything on there and when I start here I end up with so much more inspiration as one post leads on to another and so on…

When I decided that I wanted to look at carnivals naturally Pinterest was the first place I looked. On this post I have included all of the inspiration that I found on Pinterest that led me to producing my final collection.