
After shooting a collection of different things all based around the subject of carnival I realised that I wasn’t entirely sure how it would all fit together. Due to this I felt the only way to figure out where I was going would be to print out small versions of my work and live with it a little. The image you see below is all my recent work collected together into one space. photo (2)After looking at each of the images and spending time figuring out how everything would fit together I removed the images I did not feel fit together and kept the ones that you see below. I knew from looking at this selection that I needed some more images of the models to add more variations. I want to make the images fit better together and flow successfully. One of the points I feel work successfully is continuing with the use of the birds of paradise colour theme and linking with the use of glitter. I also feel very strongly towards the male model shoot, the make-up works the best and I feel that the way the model is so close to the camera draws the viewer into his world. It makes them become part of the carnival world. I want to continue with this style of make-up and make the female models more this style. I plan to reshoot with similar make-up drawing on the use of lines and the ideas of paganism. photo (1)

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